Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A writ is a court order, ordering someone to do or refrain from doing something.


A subpoena requires a witness to appear and give testimony in court.


A jury are people who are selected to hear evidence and sworn to give a true verdict in a criminal or civil case.

Monday, May 10, 2010


A demurrer challenges whether or not a legal cause of action exists for the facts.


The accused is the person charged with a crime. They are the defendant.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Plea bargain

A plea bargain is when a prosecutor offers the defendant the opportunity to plead guilty, usually to a lesser charge or to the original criminal charge in exchange for a lighter sentence. It is also sometimes part of a no contest plea.

No contest plea

A no contest plea is when the defendant does not dispute or admit the charges. It is sometimes offered with a plea bargain.

Not guilty plea

A not guilty plea is when the defendant admits to not having committed an offense he is charged with. A not guilty plea is the opposite of a guilty plea.


Sustain is when a judge agrees with an objection. The questions may not continue. Sustain is the opposite of overrule.


Overrule is when a judge decides not to allow an objection. The questions may continue. Overrule is the opposite of sustain.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Impartiality means to treat all parties and all views and opinions equally and not be biased.


The prosecutor is the lawyer who brings the case to court on behalf of the state or city.


Deliberation occurs after a trial, when a jury discusses in private the findings and comes to a decision.


The venue is the county or city where a court will hear the case.


Quash means to make void and to deny.


An ordinance is a law or regulation that is passed by government.


A magistrate is a judicial officer that has limited powers.